When the universe shows you the light....

And the Universe said to me, fear not the darkness for I will show you the light.

Last night, Gurupoornima...we were done for the evening.

The simplicity and sparseness of it all, was rewarding in a weird way. I felt truly content. And when the evening ended J suggested a short walk and I jumped on the idea. Uh oh...I had three cameras but not a single SD card...after fishing a lot, I found one and we were armed.

It was a full moon night and for the most part, the moon was playing hide and seek in the veil of clouds. We just waited ever so patiently and it was so worth it. Simple, Sparse and Content...those are my memories from last night

In our tiny little apartment that has nothing but 6 square feet of counter space and nothing more than one pot and pan...I had managed to cook dinner for five. We washed dishes in between dinner and dessert because all we had was a limited number of plates and cutlery. If I may say so, I had cooked one of my best Pau-bhaji and Fruit-salad for dessert...you will just have to take my word for it for now. ?


Quebec City- Go with the flow weekend - first 36 hours


To Kailashji , A mountain in Tibet